Flight Vol. 2 is a short story collection in Graphic Novel form published by Image Comics. The volume collects mostly young authors with a couple of veterans, like Bone’s Jeff Smith thrown in. I found Flight to be incredible. The creativity is so strong it is intimidating. The stories range from typical short stories to collections of random thoughts to stories of robots. Each story has a completely different art style, most of which are brilliant.
Trailers, by
Mark Kneece (story) and
Julie Collins-Rousseau (art), is hilarious and haunting. Josh is a teen who is forced to put up with his unstable mother, who kills an abusive boyfriend at their trailer park. Josh is trying to hide the body, care for his brother and sister, date the girl he has a crush on and deal with his mom’s new scary boyfriends. The body he buried, however, keeps showing up in weird ways and Josh is unsure as how to handle everything. This is super good.
Brian K. Vaughan’s great series
The Runaways continues with volume five. The character development continues to be impressive in these books. Vaughan also adds guest spots by a couple of New Avengers. My only complaint is that one interesting plotline at the beginning of volume five is introduced and dropped very quickly, though maybe it will resurface in the next collection.
Um. First: He's covered in red stuff and carrying a shovel. That can't be good.
Second: Ok, so I've read Runaways, vol. 1, that big compilation. Is vol. 5 new stuff, then? I'm having a hard time with this.
I believe that the hardcover of Runaways Vol. 1 covers Vols. 1-3 of the paperback. Which means to catch up you have to read 4 and 5. That is your homework assignment :)
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