Saturday, March 04, 2006

What I'm Reading -- Foul Lines by Jack McCallum and L. Jon Wertheim

Foul Lines is a novel concerning events from the NBA, though its under the guise of the National Basketball Federation and teams like the Los Angeles Lasers. McCallum and Wertheim, both Sports Illustrated writers, tells the story of a pro ball club through the eyes of the Laser's veteran star, 18-year old rookie, 24-year old media relations director and the recently promoted reporter for the L.A. Times. Some of the main characters get enough depth to keep the book interesting. Much of content here is exaggerated and written tongue-in-cheek, but this does not detract from a well constructed plot. I've been a sucker for sports novels since I was twelve and apparently still am. This is a fluffy, though enjoyable read.

1 comment:

Jackie Parker said...

I have to say, while the furthest from a sports fan that one can be, there have been occasions where I've been trapped with a group of boring boys watching sports when I've forgotten my book - in desperation I've turned to SI, and on MANY occasions have been impressed with the writing within. Wow, my grammer sucks.